What is idOS?
idOS in short
idOS is the identity layer of web3. It enables users to store their data privately in a self-sovereign way, and share access with individuals and businesses across the internet with a simple wallet signature. idOS is an open-source, composable and chain-agnostic protocol, made up of two key components:
A compliant dStorage Network of Nodes, managed by node operators that store end-to-end user-encrypted data, usually in the form of W3C Verifiable Credentials.
An Access Management Protocol, allowing users to manage their own data and grant/revoke access to third parties like web3 apps and regulated services like fiat on/off-ramps, embedded crypto bank accounts and crypto credit/debit card providers.
Who interacts with idOS
Users are at the core of idOS, but several stakeholders play a key role in the ecosystem.
Data Owners (Users): Own and manage their data in a self-sovereign way. They have complete control over their personal information, deciding who can access it and under what conditions. By default, data in idOS is end-to-end user encrypted.
Data Issuers (e.g. Apps, Ecosystems, Obliged Entities, Identity Verification Providers): Add user-encrypted data into idOS, upon Data Owner consent. In many cases, they may collaborate with third-party verification providers to collect and validate user information before uploading it securely to idOS.
Data Consumers (e.g. Apps, Ecosystems, Obliged Entities, Identity Verification Providers): Access user data with consent from Data Owners. Data Consumers retrieve the necessary information from idOS to fulfil their operational needs, such as verifying user identity for compliance reasons.
Note: within idOS, the same entity can operate as both a Data Issuer and a Data Consumer. For example, an neobanking app might issue user data into idOS for Data Owners that first onboard through their front-end, and later consume data from other users or sources to enhance its functionality or meet regulatory/compliance requirements. More on roles >
Key building principles
Chain-agnostic: Go where users are today. Built collaboratively with leading ecosystems and web3 players, idOS supports users and applications across multiple chains, enabling seamless integration and 'user- liquidity' across web3 ecosystems, with no need to install additional software like ID wallets or browser extensions.
Compliant: Compliance is at the core of idOS. idOS is compliant with major data regulatory regimes such as GDPR, and works for financial use cases that require guaranteed data access for a set period of time. idOS allows regulated entities to request temporary access grants, while enforcing user deletion rights via its proof-of-state consensus. Additionally, idOS enables re-usability of credentials across multiple entities for highly-regulated use cases (e.g. KYC), using pioneering approaches like Passporting and Data ingestion.
Self-sovereign: idOS empowers users with full control over their encrypted data, letting them decide who can access it and revoke access at will.
Decentralized: The idOS decentralized storage network is hosted by several node operators and no single party has access to decrypted user data. Progressively decentralizing the network is a key priority for idOS, and it requites to balance data security needs accordingly. idOS is open-source and all code repositories can be found in our GitHub.
Learn more about idOS
Last updated